What Preliminary Loadsheet is for?
When creating a Loadsheet document using Evionica Weight and Balance software, on the “Loadsheet” step one can choose between the Final and Preliminary designation of each revision – each revision saved can be either Preliminary or Final.
A preliminary Loadsheet is prepared when the data used for its creation are estimates. For example when the check-in is not yet closed or the final fuel has been not confirmed by the crew.
At this stage, the Load Controller can estimate PAX and BAGS totals for example based on booking figures, and take the fuel from the initial flight plans and use these data to issue a LI/R and Preliminary Loadsheet. Even if the estimates are not very accurate they are in majority of cases enough to inform the crew what to expect on the flight so they can start the pre-flight briefing—it is enough to know for example if the aircraft will be operating close to its maximum landing mass or there is still some Underload left.
Why Preliminary Loadsheet is that important for Passenger Airlines?
Let’s imagine that the Actual Mass at Take-Off is higher than the Maximum Landing Mass which is usually the case. Normally, during the flight, the aircraft burns fuel so at the destination the mass (permitted for landing) is lower. But if the malfunction is detected during take-off or shortly after leaving the runway, that means the crew should first burn some of that fuel before performing an emergency landing. The information is crucial while discussing the take-off and emergency landing procedures.
Final Loadsheet is a document prepared when check-in is closed and fuel figures are confirmed by the captain. Preferably also boarding should be completed and the loading report filled in.
The Last Minute Changes will be applied whenever there are some unexpected changes:
- drunk passenger,
- missing visa,
- delayed transit bags,
and they will be rather attached to the Final Loadsheet, as even if our estimates are perfect the Preliminary Loadsheet is not allowed for flight –Final revision (even if identical) to the Preliminary one must be issued anyway.
Some of the airlines with transit passengers, late check-in, and hectic crew roster will require the Preliminary Loadsheet to be issued and delivered to the cockpit at least 15′ prior to STD (Standard Time Departure). This helps On-Time Performance because when the Final Loadsheet is delivered very last minute (but does not differ significantly) the crew is ready for take-off so there is no extra time required for briefing.