News & Blog

Lateral Imbalance

The lateral balance aims to keep quite even distribution of mass loaded on the LEFT and RIGHT aisle of the aircraft. It is crucial for wide-body aircraft which can accommodate ULDs loaded side-by-side in two lines on both the Main and Lower Decks.

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Master the pre-flight check with our new 3D experience

Evionica’s e-learning pilot courses contain many interactive elements, including slides, animations, 2D and 3D graphics, and videos. We present content in a realistic and user-friendly way to help students experience real aircraft and prepare them better for flying. Evionica’s experts continuously improve our aviation courses by adding new elements and methods of presenting knowledge.

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What Preliminary Loadsheet is for?

When creating a Loadsheet document using Evionica Weight and Balance software, on the “Loadsheet” step one can choose between the Final and Preliminary designation of...

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Pilot core competencies to become an airline pilot

Pilot core competencies are defined by ICAO Doc 9995 as a standard set of skills and abilities that a pilot should possess to ensure safe, efficient, and comfortable flight operation. Being a pilot is a responsibility for people’s lives and operating aircraft, that is why these technical and non-technical competencies should be mastered on the highest level and then deeply assessed.

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Weight and Balance offline mode

We all know the phrase by heart “Evionica Weight and Balance works offline”.  Why offline mode is such a big deal for cargo airlines? What exactly does it mean to "work offline"? And what are the limitations and risks of offline operations?

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